When doing any sort of mobility it is important to make sure your muscles are warm to prevent any further injuries and to get the most out of your mobility routine.
When working through any uncomfortable areas it is important to breathe deeply into the belly. When trying to go deeper into a stretch it is important to synchronize the movements with an exhale.
Laying on your stomach, with legs straight behind you, bring one leg up to a 45 to 90 degree angle. Place foam roller under bent leg. Beginning at crease of the the thigh, allow you leg to relax over the foam roller on a tender spot. Hold that spot until the tenderness subsides. then move the roller 1/4 inch to the next tender spot and repeat down to the knee.
Beginning at the lateral hip crease, allow your hip to relax over the foam roller on a tender spot. Hold that spot until the tenderness subsides. then move the roller 1/4 inch to the next tender spot and repeat. This movement is also great for tight sides, instead of rolling allow your whole body to rest on the roller opening the opposite side of the body. * Make sure not to roll over the hip joint!
Beginning at crease of the the thigh, allow you leg to relax over the foam roller on a tender spot. Hold that spot until the tenderness subsides. then move the roller 1/4 inch to the next tender spot and repeat down to the knee. ** Do Not roll over greater trochanter (the bump where the leg joints the hip.) Can cause more pain and problems.
Beginning at the top of hip crease, allow your leg to relax over the foam roller on a tender spot. Hold that spot until the tenderness subsides. then move the roller 1/4 inch to the next tender spot and repeat down the leg.
Separate the legs and lean forward until the knee is directly over the ankle. You can use hands to help you balance. Advanced- lean forward, bending knee over ankle (for ankle mobility). You can also move knee out laterally to engage glutes and IT-band.
Standing straight up, grasp the laces of your shoes. You may need a wall or a table to support you.
Laying flat with a relaxed neck, pull knee into chest. For a deeper stretch you can bend the neck, reaching for knee to forehead.