When doing any sort of mobility it is important to make sure your muscles are warm to prevent any further injuries and to get the most out of your mobility routine.
When working through any uncomfortable areas it is important to breathe deeply into the belly. When trying to go deeper into a stretch it is important to synchronize the movements with an exhale.

Begin sitting with your legs out in front of you. Place the Worm under the right lower leg (calf). Cross your left leg over the right allowing the weight of it to rest on the right leg. Begin just below the back of the knee, hold in that position until tenderness subsides, then rotate leg left to right. Move the Worm down a 1/4 of an inch, repeat down to ankle and other side.

Begin on all fours and place the middle of the worm on the center of the shin bone. Allow the weight of your body to lower on to the Worm. Begin at the top of the shin just below the knee cap. Hold the Worm in one spot for 30 second increments or until the tenderness subsides. Then move down by a 1/4 inch each time. *If you are already suffering from shin splints this exercise could be very painful, so begin slowly and with light pressure.

Begin on all fours and place the middle of the worm on the center of the shin bone. Allow the weight of your body to lower on to the Worm. Begin at the top of the shin just below the knee cap. Hold the Worm in one spot for 30 second increments or until the tenderness subsides. Then move down by a 1/4 inch each time. *If you are already suffering from shin splints this exercise could be very painful, so begin slowly and with light pressure.

Begin in down dog position, bend the right knee while pushing left heel deep into the ground. Hold for 5 -10 seconds alternate sides 10 times each

Begin at a standing fold, walk hands out in front of you. Keeping your back flat, push the ground away from you with your hands. Pull your shoulders away from your ears. Make sure to keep your knees slightly bent, while driving your heels into the ground.