5 Ways to Transition into Autumn
We all experience the seasons change, even here in Austin, and some of us have an easier time with the change than others. Each season can have a different effect on our bodies. Luckily, Traditional Chinese Medicine has taken the wisdom of Mother Nature to help us gracefully transition into the Fall months.

1. Layer Up
Let’s be honest here in Austin, we're still experiencing 90 degree sunshine, but then followed by storming flash flood warnings. Layering up will allow you to stay cozy during the storms. Keeping scarves and jackets on hand will help prevent what we call a wind invasion. These wind invasions can present as excess cold (the common cold), heat (Strep throat), and dampness (dull achey pains)
2. Eat with the Season
Pumpkins, potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, corn, apples, pears...these are the foods that are natural to fall. Foods that are seasonal to autumn are nourishing, warming and grounding. Enjoy the warming spices that are natural to fall too, ie. cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, rosemary, anise, and clove.
Eating with the seasons also means that you are eating more vibrant, alive foods that are full with enzymes. Seasonal foods are distributed more locally, meaning they did not have to travel very far to get to you and their zest is still in tact!
3. Visit the WildFlower Center!
The WildFlower Center is so much fun to visit during the autumn season. Great for a family excursion or with a group of friends or to enjoy solo. The sights are beautiful with offerings of guided tours. There are also a lot of adult and kid programs and classes.
4. Take time to let go and clear your mind
Fall is the season of air, slowing down, reflection, introspection, and shedding. Let things blow to the wind that don't serve you. Let the things that have no life drop off. Allow time and space for reflection. Clear out, let go and make room for what's to come.
Sit and do nothing. Meditation is a great way to clear the mind.
5. Enjoy Nature
The weather is cooling down! The air is becoming crisper, dryer, and cooler. Get outside and enjoy it! The best way to keep yourself healthy in the winter months is to exercise outdoors. Allowing your body to slowly adapt to the colder weather can build strength and immunity.
We have so many beautiful hikes and watering holes surrounding us in the Greater Austin area. After all this rain, the Green Belt is looking beautiful and vibrant. Being outside boosts our pleasure chemicals, reduces inflammation and stress, and creates a sense of empathy and connectedness. It also has calming effects by provoking a sense of awe and beauty in us.